
Since our inception, Heytesbury Pavilions has enjoyed more than our 15 minutes of fame, for which we remain humbly proud and grateful. We have been the subject of features and received mentions in esteemed titles including The Telegraph, Country Life, House & Garden, and You Magazine. Though we are always reminded that there is no such thing as bad publicity, we will at least say we much prefer stories of broods of ducklings being safely hatched in one of our duck houses, any day of the week.


House & Garden

Though we are always reminded that there is no such thing as bad publicity, we will at least say we much prefer stories of broods of ducklings being safely hatched in one of our duck houses, any day of the week. See more here…



Alan titchmarsh

Our Duck house proving a hit among the waterfowl on Alan’s pond…

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Mp’s expenses

There are faults on both sides. I’m still a floating voter… See more here…



You Magazine

Grow @ Hampstead garden show with Stephen Woodhams & Gwyneth Paltrow



saturday telegraph

Home for posh & pecks